Fees are invoiced on a monthly basis. Fees are calculated based on the 51 weeks of the year that we are open and then averaged into 12 monthly payments.
Monthly payments will include bank and public holidays, which are payable in full in spite of closure, as our monthly staffing costs remain the same
Discounts are available for children attending 5 days a week or if you have two or more siblings in the nursery at the same time.
Government funding is available to all 3-year-old children from the term following their third birthday. The funding covers 38 weeks of the year (term time), and we take the same approach as with our fees and split the funding evenly across the 51 weeks that we are open.
An additional services and quality premium charge is applied to funded hours, which is applied at £17.40 per funded day. This additional charge covers all meals, snacks, Forest School and Forest School Training. You may choose to opt out of this charge, please discuss with the Nursery Admissions Lead.